Thursday, April 27, 2017

What North Korea Learned From The Fate Of Muammar Gaddafi

  • The lynching of the Libyan leader after he had renounced nuclear weapons and the hanging of the Iraqi president have been cited by the North Korean media as the rationale for their own country's determination-- a dictator who wants to hold on to power should also hold onto his nuclear weapons.
  • The last 20 years have provided Kim Jong-il with numerous cautionary tales of dictatorships defeated:
      • The Iraqi army was toppled in 1991.
      • NATO triumphed over Milosevic in 1999.
      • U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003.
      • Iraq War in 2003: Kim Jong-il disappeared from public view for 44 days in fear of assassination. It was assumed at the time that the Leader feared an attempt by Tomahawk missiles.
      • November 2010: a visiting American scientist was stunned to be shown a room full of centrifuges used for enriching uranium, the necessary ingredient for a nuclear bomb.
      • March 2011: As NATO operations in Libya began, a North Korean spokesperson announced the lesson that Kim's regime had learned:
        • "It has been shown to the corners of the earth that Libya's giving up its nuclear arms. ... was used as an invasion tactic to disarm the country by sugarcoating it with words like 'the guaranteeing of security' and the 'bettering of relations.' 
  • The Dear Leader (Kim Jong-il) has learned through careful observation that the only true security guarantee for a fragile autocracy, one that must fear internal dissent as well as outside aggressors, may be a nuclear arsenal.
  • After Pyongyang's nuclear test in January 2016, a commentary in North Korea's media said: "History proves that powerful nuclear deterrence serves as the strongest treasured sword for frustrating outsiders' aggression.
    • As it is sometimes put: "Gaddafi gave up the bomb and lost his head.   Saddam was toppled because he did not have it."
  • We can safely understand that North Korea's nuclear program is about security - it is, by their estimation, the only reliable guarantee of the country's basic sovereignty, of the Communist regime's control, and of the rule of Kim Dynasty.

*History of Muammar Gaddafi's Fall from Power (1969-2011)*

  • In 2003: The overthrow of Saddam Hussein in Iraq forces strategic rethink. 
      • Gaddafi begins a policy of rapprochement -harmonious relationship- with the West.
      • Britain supports resolution to lift sanctions against Libya.
      • Gaddafi is one of the first to issue an arrest warrant for Osama bin Laden.
      • Accepts Libyan responsibility for Lockerbie in a  letter to the UN.

  • In January 2005: Libya's first auction of oil and gas exploration licenses heralds the return of US energy companies in more than 20 years.

  • In February 2006: 10 people+ killed in clashes with police in Benghazi.
    • Part of a wave of international protests by Muslims who are angered by a Danish newspaper's cartoon depictions of the Prophet Muhammad. 

  • In February 2011: Inspired by revolts in other Arab countries during the Arab Spring, especially neighboring Egypt and Tunisia.
    • Violent protests break out in Benghazi which spread to other cities, leading to escalating clashes between security forces and anti-Gaddafi rebels.

  • In March 2011: UN Security Council authorizes a no-fly zone over Libya and air strikes to protect civilian.
    • NATO assumes command.

  • In July 2011: The International Contact Group on Libya refuse to recognize Col. Muammar Gaddafi as Libya's leader. Instead the ICG, confirmed the main opposition group, the National Transitional Council (NTC), as the legitimate government of Libya.

  • In August 2011: Col. Gaddafi goes into hiding after rebels swarm into his fortress compound in Tripoli. 

  • October 20, 2011: Gaddafi is captured and killed as rebel fighters take his hometown Sirte. 
    • 3 days later: the NTC declares Libya to be officially "liberated" and announces plans to hold elections within 8 months.

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