Thursday, June 29, 2017

Obamacare VS. Trumpcare--Facts Explained

Did You Know?

  • The US spends 2x more on healthcare than any other developed nation in the world--
    • Costs will go up even more under the AHCA (Trumpcare).

  • Republican politicians have campaigned on repealing President Barack Obama's healthcare reforms since they were enacted in 2010.

  • The current version of Trumpcare in the Senate allows the largest tax cuts to the wealthy in human history while cutting insurance to about 22 million people by 2026.

Courtesy of Peter G. Peterson Foundation

Obamacare VS Trumpcare:

Individual Costs:
  • Obamacare (ACA): All Americans are required to have health insurance or pay a tax penalty.
  • Trumpcare (AHCA): The mandate is repealed under the Senate plan.

Employer Costs:
  • Obamacare: Companies with more than 50 employees are required to offer health insurance or pay a penalty.
  • Trumpcare: Employers do not have to offer healthcare to their employees.
    • Affects more women than men in most cases --(i.e: Birth control, Maternal Care, Abortions, Child birth, etc.)

  • Obamacare: Raised Medicare taxes on the wealthy--a household income of more than $250,000.
    • Imposed new taxes on:
      • Medical devices
      • Health insurers
      • Drug companies
      • Investment income
      • Tanning salons
      • High-end health insurance plans
  • Trumpcare: Repeals most Obamacare taxes and delays implementation of the tax on high-end health insurance plans to 2026.
    • Gives the largest tax cut to wealthiest members of society, while adversely affecting low-income members of society.
    • Example: Warren Buffet (CEO of Berkshire Hathaway) will claim $700,000 in tax cuts.  
      • Low-income members will have to eventually pay half their income on just healthcare.

Insurance For Dependents Under 26:
  • Obamacare: Requires insurers to allow children under age 26 to be covered by their parents’ policies.
  • Trumpcare: Maintains this requirement.

Essential Health Benefits:
  • Obamacare: Requires all insurance plans to cover certain health conditions and services:
      • Emergency room visits
      • Cancer treatment
      • Annual physical exams
      • Prescription drug costs
      • Mental health counseling
  • Trumpcare: Allows states to define what benefits are mandated, or opt out of the requirement entirely.

Pre-Existing Condition Coverage:

  • Trumpcare: States can let insurers charge as much as they like to sick people--
    • Allocates only $8bn to help subsidize those patients.


  • Obamacare: Expanded Medicaid health insurance for the poor to cover more low-income individuals.
  • Trumpcare: Phases out Medicaid expansion to reduce federal funding on the program starting 2020. 
    • The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has yet to score how much the government would save.
      • the House bill saved more than $800bn in 10 years
      • Senate bill makes even sharper cuts.

Women's Healthcare:

  • Obamacare: Insurance companies prohibited from charging women more than men for the same health plan
    • They also must provide core services including maternity care and contraceptives.
  • Trumpcare: Insurance companies still banned from charging women more
    •  BUT, states could allow insurers to drop maternity care and contraceptives from basic benefits.
    • Also bans women from using federal tax credits to buy a plan that covers abortion.

Older Americans:

  • Obamacare: Insurers can charge older Americans no more than 3x the cost for younger Americans.
  • Trumpcare: Insurers can charge older Americans 5x as much as younger Americans.  
    • States can also set their own ratio.


  • Obamacare: Provided refundable tax credits for low-income individuals who purchased their insurance on government-run marketplaces
    • Also helped support some out-of-pocket medical expenses.

  • Trumpcare: Alters formula for tax credits, which will expand the benefit to more middle-class Americans
    • Will raise the costs for some elderly and low-income individuals.

Courtesy of BBC News

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